These are the base Jedi Sage Consular abilities and are shared by all Sage Consulars regardless of which Skill Tree they choose. This is just to give an idea of what abilities will be available as changes have and might still be made before final release.
Thanks to the DarthHater web site where I found this posted and which you will find is a great resource for all things SWTOR.
Jedi Sages are famed for their wisdom much as for their powerful healing and defensive skills. In troubled times, a Sage brings together the insight of the past with raw power to change the flow of galactic events.
Force Studies
Rank 1
280 credits
Versed in the Force, your maximum Force is increased by 400. In addition, your Presence increases at the rate at which your Force regenerates.
Level 10
Rank 1
280 credits
Force: 30
Casting Time: 2s
Range: 30m
Fires a blast of telekinetic energy at the target dealing moderate kinetic damage.
Level 10
Force Reach
Rank 1
280 credits
Increases the range of Project and Telekinetic Throw by 15m.
Level 10
Rank 1
320 credits
Force: 60
Range: 30m
Heal the target for a moderate amount over 12s.
Level 12
Force Armor
Rank 1
380 credits
Force: 65
Cooldown: 6s
Range: 30m
Surrounds the caster in a Force shield that lasts 30s and absorbs a high amount of damage. Affected targets become Force-imbalanced and cannot benefit from Force Armor again for 20s.
Level 14
Weakened Mind
Rank 1
440 credits
Force: 65
Range: 30m
Weakens the target's mind, dealing high internal damage over 15s.
Level 16
Rank 1
500 credits
Force: 60
Cooldown: 4.5s
Range: 30m
Cleanses a friendly target of up to 2 hostile mental or Force effects.
Level 18
Rank 1
600 credits
Force: 70
Casting Time: 3s
Range: 30m
Heals a friendly target for a high amount of health.
Level 22
Rank 1
600 credits
Force: 30
Cooldown: 1m
Range: 30m
Greatly lowers the target's threat and if the target is a party member, pulls the target to your location.
Level 22
Force Push
Rank 1
940 credits
Force: 20
Cooldown: 1m 30s
Range: 15m
Pushes the target back several meters with the Force and deals moderate kinetic damage. Standard and weak enemies are additionally knocked prone for 3s.
Level 34
Rank 1
1120 credits
Force: 75
Casting Time: 1.5s
Cooldown: 5m
Range: 30m
Revives an incapacitated ally. This ability is usable while in combat.
Level 40
Rank 1
1280 credits
Cooldown: 1m
Increases your chance to resist Force and Tech attacks by 100% for 4s.
Level 46
Force Quake
Rank 1
1400 credits
Force: 100
Channeled: 6s
Range: 30m
Channel the Force into the ground at the target location, causing it to quake and tremble. All enemies within 8m of the target location are struck for moderate kinetic damage every second for 6s. Each second, the Force Quake has a 33% chance to knock its targets down. No single target can be knocked down more than once from a single Force Quake.
Level 50
This is awesome, I didn't realize that this info had been released yet. This will help a bit with theorycrafting and early speculation.