Saturday, August 6, 2011

Qyzen Fess - Consular Companion

They say that politics makes strange bedfellows, well apparently so does a Galactic War. Jedi Consulars are known as ambassadors of peace, seekers of Jedi wisdom, using their considerable combat skills only as a last resort to defend rather than attack. Trandoshans like Qyzen Fess on the other hand live for the hunt, accumulating jagganath points through honorable kills to appease their goddess the Scorkeeper.

That these two should come together as companions is a tribute to the open-mindedness of the Jedi Consular, and the sense of honor of the Trandoshan Fess.

Qyzen Fess is famed as a peerless hunter and tracker, seeking out the deadliest beasts the galaxy has to offer. Valuing only his weapons and jagganath points, he will barter anything else he has, or do what he must, to get to the next hunting ground.

Shunning the gun for hire role many of his kind take up to acquire jagganath points, Qyzen took the more traditional path seeking out only those creatures worthy of his considerable skills. Qyzen is slow to trust any stranger, having crossed paths with many of the less honorable in the galaxy, but once he befriends you it is for life, and he will defend you with his.

The Sith Incursion, The Treaty of Coruscant, and resulting Cold War have made the odds of having peaceful negotiations very slim. Sith operatives are everywhere and will do whatever they can to disrupt and destroy a Jedi Consular's mission. Perhaps having a companion like Qyzen Fess is not so strange after all.

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